Hiep Nguyen


About Me

Main informations about me

Hiep Nguyen IT

Hi! My name is Nguyen Van Hiep. I am an apprentice to become a Programer, Encoder, Producer, Technical, Photographer, Editor, and I'm very passionate and dedicated to my favorite. I am often involved in social and volunteer activities. My hobbies are photography, programming, watching science documentaries (cosmos, wild world, history, ...), studying about religions in the world.

Some About my Abilities

I am always interested in my hobbies, so I usually get apprenticeship related to it. but things are pretty bad =))) just trivial talents.
"Never explain yourself to anyone. Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it, and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it."

Install Windows - 2 years of experience95%
Photography - 3 years of experience85%
Producer - 2 years of experience75%
Religions - 10 years of experience90%


I always try to be a perfect person.
  • Photography

    Photography is the art of capturing light with a camera, usually via a digital sensor or film, to create an image...

  • Buddhism

    Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development leading to Insight into the true nature of reality...

  • Technical

    An advice service provided, usually over the phone, to help people who have problems using a computer...

  • Video & Picture

    Video marker and picture editing are my passion, i research them in free time. Funny and attractive...

  • Wolf

    As a Spirit Animal, Wolf is also very smart, loves autonomy and has a strong social character, silently...

  • Music

    Music is an important part of our life as it is a way of expressing our feelings as well as emotions...

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  • November 20th 2016 Depression

    I know it’s been a rough couple of days, weeks, months or even years, but see you’re still here!

    I know it’s been a rough couple of days, weeks, months or even years, but see you’re still here! You have made it this far, and that’s really something! Amidst all the crap that’s been happening around, you are continuously surviving; you are not the same person as you were before, you are getting stronger and stronger each day! You have to give yourself credit for that.
    I know how hard it is to fight a battle where your opponent is your own self, I completely understand how everyday feels like a surviving game, it’s like you’re alive but you’re not actually living; like you’re on a free fall, barely waiting for the time you hit rock bottom, or that you’ve already hit rock bottom but you just felt NUMB. Yes, that feeling of numbness, it’s when the pain is too much that you just felt, indifferent.
    I know there are times that you feel like you are worthless and that no one would actually care even if you disappear into the face of the earth.
    Even talking to your friends or loved ones is pointless because you feel like they might not understand what you are going through, you fear their judgments, so you just keep it all to yourself, you just completely shut down and detach yourself from everyone. There are times like you have this hollow sinking feeling inside your chest and you find it hard to fully function. You start to ask yourself that maybe its karma biting your sorry ass?
    You start to blame yourself, that if not for your wrong choices, your life would not be spiraling down. Sometimes, you just don’t know how to start your day because you feel hopeless. The guilt is gnawing every bit of hope you have within yourself, like you are slowly giving in to that dark force that has been lurking around you for quite a while. Sometimes you just want to escape from everything but you just can’t, it’s like you are trapped in your own version of hell.
    I understand that depression is not that easy to overcome, you can’t just will yourself to snap out of it; but remember that you always have control over your emotions.
    Feeling better takes time and a lot effort but you’ll get there! You are not alone. Everyone is fighting their own battles; everyone is messed up in their own ways. You might be tired of always hearing that “everything’s going to be ok”, but it will eventually, everything is going to make sense soon enough! You have to believe in it! Don’t give up on life! And most specially don’t give up on yourself!
    You have to be patient with yourself, and the will of God. Everyone is a work in progress, I’m not saying it to make you feel better, I’m saying it because it is the truth. Know that you always have a choice, always choose to be better, to do better! Do not do something that will further make the situation even worse.
    You are not defined by how many failures you have acquired all throughout your life but from how well you rise up despite all of it. You don’t always have to fight your battles alone, sometimes asking help from other people does not mean that you are weak or you could just simply talk, open up to them, it will help you feel better. Do things that will make you feel good, you can develop a new hobby, exercise, express yourself through writing, arts or even music; channel that negativity into something productive! Do not incarcerate yourself from the world because the more you feed that negative vibe, the more you will suffer. AVOID negative thinking; it will just fuel that depression.
    Lastly, always bear in mind that you are loved! You owe it to yourself to take good care of your being: mentally, physically and spiritually. Positive thinking is always the key! So smile and give yourself a pat on the back for reading this!

  • February 07, 2017 Wolf

    The wolf is one of the most respected and feared animals in all of the world--some parts respect them more than others.

    The wolf is one of the most respected and feared animals in all of the world--some parts respect them more than others. This is apparent in North America, where the grey wolf (timber wolf) has almost disappeared entirely from the continental United States, apart from small parts of the Northern Rocky Mountains and wooded areas around the Great Lakes region. These days, most wolves in North America live in Canada, avoiding people as much as possible. Wolves still inhabit parts of Europe, although, there too, they were almost eradicated by the end of the 1800s. What the Europeans did not know about wolves is that they are actually very friendly, social, and intelligent animals. The whole pack cares for the cubs as they grow, and wolf fathers are very devoted and gentle to their young. Wolves are also ritualistic, like humans. Their social behavior is based upon a hierarchical structure, with an alpha male and alpha female. They also mark off certain territories as sacred.
    Many peoples throughout the world respected and thought very positively of wolves. Among the various peoples and tribes of North America, wolf represents not only creation, but also death and rebirth. Wolf is also seen as a teacher-animal to the peoples of California and the Great Plains. They saw the wolf retreat into the mountains and hills to get away from humans, and made the connection between wolves and high places (in other words, spirit). In the Lakota language, the word for wolf, sunkmanitu, means “divine dog.”
    In western Europe, wolves were not seen as positively. In both German and Norse mythology, wolf was a symbol of destruction and death. Vikings saw wolf as a representation of Fenris (their Chaos), who would bite through his chains and consume the sun at the end of time. In an unusual story exhibiting the wolf’s loyalty, in Great Britain, Merlin in his time of madness is kept company by a she-wolf, who stays by his side until he becomes well again. Romulus and Remus, the famous twins in pre-Roman times, were said to have been raised by a she-wolf--even suckled by her.
    Wolves are respected nearly everywhere except Europe, where they are instead feared. They are seen as teachers, instructing us in our daily lives and all the troubles that go with them. The lessons wolf teaches are not always easy to swallow, but nevertheless necessary. Wolf is a symbol of guardianship, ritual, loyalty, and spirit. Wolf has the ability to make quick and firm emotional attachments, and often need to trust their own instincts. Thus they teach us to do the same, to trust our hearts and minds, and have control over our own lives.
    Information from Ted Andrews's Animal-Speak, Jessica Dawn Palmer's Animal Wisdom, and Steven D. Farmer's Power Animals.

  • September 28, 2019 The Toxic People

    One of the joys of being human is that we don’t have to be perfect to be one of the good ones.

    One of the joys of being human is that we don’t have to be perfect to be one of the good ones. At some point we’ll all make stupid decisions, hurt the people we love, say things that are hard to take back, and push too hard to get our way. None of that makes us toxic. It makes us human. We mess things up, we grow and we learn. Toxic people are different. They never learn. They never self-reflect and they don’t care who they hurt along the way. Toxic behaviour is a habitual way of responding to the world and the people in it. Toxic people are smart but they have the emotional intelligence of a pen lid. It’s no accident that they choose those who are open-hearted, generous and willing to work hard for a relationship. With two non-toxic people this is the foundation for something wonderful, but when toxic behaviour is involved it’s only a matter of time before that open heart becomes a broken one. If you’re in any sort of relationship with someone who is toxic, chances are you’ve been bending and flexing for a while to try to make it work. Stop. Just stop. You can only change the things that are open to your influence and toxic people will never be one of them. Here are some of the ones to watch out for.

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